Online Talk Event: 10 May 2023, 15:00 – 18:00 (CEST).
Oliver Szasz, managing director of Culturesphere and one of the Symbio(s)cene founding partners organised and hosted the panel discussion “Towards an Ecological Turn in Design”. For more information and full programme, please download the PDF file below.
Designing a regenerative future requires designers to adopt radically new ways of thinking, approaches and methods that integrate the consideration of sustainable, ecological and social aspects and include both local and global communities, ecosystems and planetary boundaries. Transformative change must go hand in hand with questioning existing paradigms, such as the dualistic human-nature relationship or our anthropocentric material culture. In the design conversation “Towards an Ecological Turn in Design”, renowned experts on sustainable and transformative design Usman Haque (Umbrellium), Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino (UK Design Council), Raphael Stermann (Haleon) and Chris Grantham (Regenovate) will present their views and together with Prof. Oliver Szasz discuss questions such as: What are the challenges for designers in the context of regenerative design? How can systemic approaches such as “living-systems-centred thinking” or “life-centred design” be practically integrated into design processes? Is it possible to involve non-human stakeholders in co-creation processes?