10th Futurologic Symposium 2023, Amsterdam.
Oliver Szasz, co-founder of Symbio(s)cene, was invited to deliver a keynote presentation at the 10th Futurologic Symposium 2023 at the famous Amsterdam locations Ruigoord and Paradiso. This year’s topic: “Towards the Symbiocene?”. In his presentation, “From Symbiocentric Visions to Transformative Change,” Oliver Szasz explored artistic approaches as catalysts to envision symbiocentric futures and trigger transformative action.
The goal of this symposium was to explore a multitude of perspectives on the concept of the Symbiocene. Coined in 2011 by Australian philosopher Glenn Albrecht in response to the Anthropocene, this term describes an era in which a symbiotic relationship exists between humans and nature. At the core of this ecological concept is an affirmation of the interconnectedness of life and all living things. The symposium hosted international philosophers, academics, indigenous activists, artists, authors, designers, historians, and political ecologists to engage with the audience in a three-day discourse on the meaning and potential of the concept of Symbiocene.
The distinguished speakers included Australian philosopher Glenn Albrecht himself, author, historian and journalist Philipp Blom, ecology activist Timothy Morton, design and transformation professor Caroline Hummels, biodesigner and entrepreneur Emma van der Leest, and many more.

Australian philosopher Glenn Albrecht (left), who coined the term Symbiocene, presented his philosophical thoughts on the topic in person at the 10th Futurologic Symposium 2023 in Amsterdam.

Another highlight was the presentation of German author, historian and journalist Philipp Blom, who talked about his most recent book “Die Unterwerfung: Anfang und Ende der menschlischen Herrschaft über die Natur”. which will be published in English shortly.

The recording of Oliver Szasz’s presentation will be available shortly.

Oliver Szasz in conversation with Glenn Albrecht.
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@ 2023 Oliver Szasz
Fields of Expertise: Design-Driven Innovation, Design Thinking,
Transdisciplinary Knowledge Transfer, Practice-Based Design Research